“the last goddess did not retire, but died in an accident.(上任神女不是退役,而是出意外死掉了。)”
“died by accident?(意外死掉的?)”穆大叔愤怒,被人放火烧那叫意外?!那叫蓄意谋杀!
“Yes, we are very happy to have the position of the goddess, but the goddess refused to e back with us, the goddess's decision we will not oppose, let alone she has a child, (是的,我们有了神女的位置很开心,但神女拒绝跟我们回来,神女的决定我们是不会反对的,更何况她还有了孩子。)but a nun in our church, she was crazy, she felt that the goddess was abandoning us and betraying us, so one night she contacted several nuns with the same idea to set fire to the goddess's home, barricade the door, deny the goddess any chance of survival, including her children.(但我们教堂里一位修女她走火入魔,她觉得神女这样就是抛弃我们,背叛我们,于是某一天夜里她联系几位同样想法的修女去一把火烧了神女的家,将门堵住,不让神女有生还的可能,包括神女的孩子。)”
“After the priest knew this matter, he was furious and threw out the several people, feeling that he was ashamed of the goddess, it was their negligence that the goddess died and destroyed the good family, and the priest knelt in the confessional every day during that time.(这件事神父知道后大发雷霆,将那几人赶了出去,又觉得自己愧对神女,是他们的疏忽让神女死去,破坏了美好的家庭,神父那段时间每天都跪在忏悔室里。)”
“the priest also wanted to pensate the goddess's husband, but for some reason, her husband seemed to disappear from the world, and there was no news.(神父还想补偿神女的丈夫,只是不知为何,她的丈夫仿佛人间蒸发了一般,杳无音讯。)”
“didn't the husband of the goddess burn together?(神女的丈夫没有一起被火烧掉吗?)”做戏就要做全套,唐淼装作不知道的模样。
“No, when we went there, we also saw the husband of the goddess crying in pain. he just escaped when he went out in the middle of the night.(并没有,当时我们去的时候还看到了神女的丈夫在痛苦的哭泣,他半夜有事出门恰巧逃过一劫。)”特雷茜修女双手抱在胸前,他们对神女一家都很亏欠。
“his wife and son are dead, it is inevitable that the pain will be unbearable, they say that a man does not cry lightly.(他的妻子儿子都去世,难免会痛苦不堪的,都说男儿有泪不轻弹。)”唐淼说这话时,还看了眼穆大叔。
“It was our fault. It was our mistake that destroyed a family.(是我们的错,是我们的失误毁了一个家庭。)”